Friday, January 1, 2010

I don't use the old myspace much anymore... hello 2010

Lets be honest after all, Myspace has become all but overridden with hackers and spammers pumping their gross products. Once a company is bought out like that it is inflated until it bursts and then it is deflated sucking every penny nickel and dime out that it can.

Think, just think, of what a huge moment it actually is going to be when all of that humanity, all of that thought and taste and decisions and life that has been captured in digital essence is taken down in one foul swoop. Call it what you want, a bunch of trash, a bunch of crappy bands, a bunch of really young people all not accepting friend requests from bands because most of them are... well... a bunch or audio trash. But most of use grew up a bit using myspace. Who can forget the time in their youth when it became a prevalent fact that suddenly, you were choosing to do things in front of everyone. So young relationships were more turbulent then ever, like high school went home with you. Girls caught boys cheating, boys caught girls cheating, even before they actually physically touched.

And god what about farther then that? What about the amazing artists and poets out there that spilled onto the first blog pages of myspace? What about those last words that someone decided to write about themselves, their lives, their sadness, to anyone that would read or care, before they took it all away from themselves... and they did it on myspace in front of everyone. What about the love that humanity also gushed. The imperfect perfection that is chaos. No, I take that back. I don't believe that perfect imperfection is a good description of us as a species. Imperfect, certainly, but not a perfect representation of imperfection. We strive, mostly against ourselves and our own limited natures and knowledge, to find the best that we can in our lives. It's not always noble as I like to hope it should be and can be. It's not always good, or bad, or black and white, but god dammit do we try.

In 2010, I don't see myself using myspace much anymore. Maybe only as a music player. I use Fbook, and Twitter, and even those I only got "heavily" into because of starting "New Romans" and teaching myself how to network social sites together.

So it remains to seen that what I am saying will be proven true, but replace the word myspace with facebook, or twitter, or whatever you like. These are just the platforms with which we as people are now utilizing our technologies ability with to let us communicate to one another. So lets not forget that, that that is what we are actually doing. This is not just going out to the ether, this information that we create is going out to us, people. And all those bazillion web pages out there full of detailed information... that is all for you... for now. So use it while you can.

I watched 500 days of Summer earlier tonight. I enjoyed it. But I have to say, that in my life my relationships have hardly ever been even close to perfect. But god dammit did I try. If when I was 21 and dating Abby, "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" left the two of us in silence in the theater long after it was over, aching at how truthfully it was our lives at that moment, then "500 Days of Summer" was my relationship with Giuliana, some scenes were photographs of my life put to motion. I take the opening quote to heart, for having never been so shattered in my life. It's something that try as I might, I will never get over fully, will never forget, will never be able to stop thinking about as hard as I've tried. Because it's in my nature. Because I am human. Because I am imperfect.

When all of this is swallowed up, and all this tech is gone because we can no longer power it, all of this vital information will be gone with it, swallowed onto servers somewhere that will power down with a fuzzy hum as the lights to the planet flicker on and off...

We offer a snapshot of our lives to the future here with what we do, every second of it. Sometimes I live in the present, but much more often I live in the truth. And that is not always, in fact hardly ever, sitting right here. It's buried, behind the leaves in the sunlight that you stare through and relax at the peak, behind the words in the papers and in the pain in people's voices... the pain in their words. Behind the love that we feel on the best days with the best people. That is where I find the truth.

In my lovers eyes. In the lines on my hands. In knowing the future that is coming our way. Oh yes, myspace is gone, I almost giggle in anticipation. It is not enjoyment that I laugh to, but that of a fevered dream gone from your mind as you wake in a sweat, only to find it's mind bending reality still exists in your room just above the sheets.

The world has past the tipping point of peak oil. We are now going down the slope of how much exists on the planet, heading to zero. Seven gallons of oil in each car tire, hundreds in the doors and roof, thousands in the machinery to make them, more in the factory that makes the parts of the machines, more in the metal in the machines that were used to hand tool those machines, more in the walls, the metal and the alloy, the trucks, the copper wiring, the electrical tubing, beyond all man made things into the nature of man's apparatus, into the fertilizer made with petroleum's, the pesticides make from petroleum, into the soil that we have sprayed chemically to replace the worn out soil due to not rotating crops and pressing nature past its capability, to the planes that fly over the fields, to the spray that it washes the plants and soil with...

To the computer I am using right now... the satellites that are bouncing the signals... the power factories walls, components, chips, wires, and engines themselves powering the satellites, my lights, my home, your home.... all are based on oil. Thats the part rarely considered and that most don't bring up. Think of jsut the amount of telephone wires on the planet, think about the amount of plastics on the planet, made every day... how much oil that is. Think about Saudia Arabia having a third of the planets oil... and the fact that they are searching wildly for new reserves elsewhere now. That all the oil in Alaska at once would only power the world for 11 days. That all the deep sea oil costs often more energy then it makes, instantly making it worthless. That if corn were to be used for fuel, it would take more energy to make then it produces, and to supply us it would take every plantable foot available everywhere to to be a large enough amount of fuel.

I quote... "Nothing will replace the edifice that we have created with oil..."

its the truth.

So please, as sad as it is to hear the cry of us all, digitally and physically, go up in collective woe and agony, rejoice... in the incredible new type of life we are about to receive...

That of the local community, the local food growth, the seeds and gardens, the families and relying on one another.

I wish I was as nuts as it all can sound, as it all seems. But please, let me guide you at least once so you might have an idea.

Read the first book I ever got turned on by. "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". Then understand its been true for a long time. Understand then why we are being lied to into agreeing to be taxed on carbon emissions that do not exist in nearly as substantial numbers as proposed, so that we can pay for our new renewable free energy and selfish greedy people can stay rich...

Watch the films Zeitgeist, throw away the wash you can't swallow but take in the principle...

Read Robert Anton Wilson, David Icke, Deepak Chompra, DMT: the spirit molecule, simply type into youtube "the tenth dimension" and spend an hour hopping around fascinating videos until you find what is really there.... while you still can

watch the film "Collapse" online for free...

if anyone did even half of what I suggested their whole world, the universe, could open up to them.

I am not saying that I have your answers, but I am saying they are out there. Let me give you a nudge, to help show you the way.

I don't use myspace much anymore. Because there is too much life to live in the real world. But I do use these tool, while I have them, here in 2010, to help do my part to make sure that each and every single one of you loving creatures at least has the chance... the option.. to know that there is a difference out there, that something is changing, that something is happening and we are in it now and yes we even will be at Dec 21, 2012, but we will be after it. It is all happening... right now... can't you feel it? Can't anyone else feel this?

Because I love you, you've got to get prepared.

Happy New Year. There will be many more to come.

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